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Digitransit MQTT broker

Available endpoints

The URL of the MQTT broker is mqtt.digitransit.fi. It has support for the protocols (using standard port numbers) listed below:

Protocol Port
MQTT with TLS (mqtts://) 8883
MQTT (mqtt://) 1883
MQTT over secure web socket (wss://) 433

Topic Structure

Topic level Description Possible values
feed_format Feed format gtfsrt
type Type of the feed vp
feed_id GTFS feed ID Listed here
agency_id GTFS agency ID Not implemented yet but will be any string or empty
agency_name GTFS agency name Not implemented yet but will be any string or empty
mode Transport mode BUS, FERRY, FUNICULAR, RAIL, TRAM or empty (there might be more possible values in the future)
route_id GTFS route ID Any string or empty
direction_id GTFS direction ID 0, 1 or empty
trip_headsign GTFS trip headsign Any string or empty
trip_id GTFS trip ID Any string or empty
next_stop Next (or current) stop ID Any string or empty
start_time The scheduled start time of the trip can be 25:30 for example, or empty
vehicle_id GTFS vehicle ID Any string or empty
geohash_head The whole numbers of a simplified geohash lat;lon, for example 60;24
geohash_firstdeg The first decimal place from lat and lon latlon, for example 17
geohash_seconddeg The second decimal place from lat and lon latlon, for example 28
geohash_thirddeg The third decimal place from lat and lon latlon, for example 39
short_name Short name of the route Any string or empty
color Color of the route A color encoded as a six-digit hexadecimal number (the leading "#" is not included) such as FFFFFF or empty

Message Structure

The messages are protobuf encoded GTFS realtime messages each containing information about one vehicle. There might be small differences in what data is included in a message depending on the feed ID as the data comes from different systems. Here are some examples on how to decode the GTFS realtime data in code.

Available cities and regions

This list contains cities or regions for which there is vehicle position data available through the MQTT broker. The listed feed IDs match the ones used in the topic structure. To fetch more relevant information about, for example, the vehicles' trips, one can use the listed GTFS data or the routing endpoint (which are documented here). Note, subscription keys need to used when downloading GTFS data.

This is list might not always be up-to-date and new data sources are constantly included.

City/region Feed ID and link to GTFS URL Routing endpoint
Tampere tampere waltti
Jyväskylä LINKKI waltti
Lappeenranta Lappeenranta waltti
Joensuu Joensuu waltti
Kuopio Kuopio waltti
Turku FOLI waltti
Oulu OULU waltti
Hämeenlinna Hameenlinna waltti
Lahti Lahti waltti
Vaasa Vaasa waltti
Mikkeli Mikkeli waltti
Pori Pori waltti
Kouvola Kouvola waltti
Kotka Kotka waltti
Rovaniemi Rovaniemi waltti
Salo Salo finland
Kajaani Kajaani finland
Rauma Rauma finland
Finland trains digitraffic finland
Härmän liikenne Harma finland


The topic structure includes a form of geohash for the latitude and the longitude of the vehicle. The digits of the integer parts are separated into their own level, geohash_head, in the format <lat>;<long>, e.g. 60;24. The digits of the fractional parts are split and interleaved into a custom format so that e.g. (60.123, 24.789) becomes 60;24/17/28/39. This format enables subscribing to specific geographic boundaries easily.

Best practices

Fetching everything (especially when it's not needed) through the broker is not recommended. One of the best things about MQTT is the possibility to limit what is fetched through subscriptions by specifying the interesting things in the topic. Instead of fetching information about all vehicles, for example, subscribing to a topic like /gtfsrt/vp/tampere/+/+/+/5/+/Keskustori/# will result to only receiving information about vehicles on Tampere's route with the short name 5 and trip headsign of Keskustori.

Additionally, to help separate different clients, it's recommended to include a random string at the end of the client ID. Also, keepalive interval should be configured to be less than a minute (for example 30 seconds) and retrying of connection should not be done every second but instead every 30 seconds, for example.

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