Digitransit-ui is a mobile friendly User interface built to work with Digitransit APIs.
Application is built with React. React components can access data in two different ways:
Basically, division between alternatives is:
Installation instructions are available at GitHub
Unit testing is used.
Asset | Url |
Routing - API | https://digitransit.fi/en/developers/apis/1-routing-api/ |
Realtime HSL - API | https://digitransit.fi/en/developers/apis/5-realtime-api/ |
Map - API | https://digitransit.fi/en/developers/apis/4-map-api/ |
Geocoding - API | https://digitransit.fi/en/developers/apis/3-geocoding-api/ |
Dependecy | url |
React | https://github.com/facebook/react |
React-leaflet | https://github.com/PaulLeCam/react-leaflet |
React-router | https://github.com/rackt/react-router |
React-autosuggest | https://github.com/moroshko/react-autosuggest |
react-router-relay | https://github.com/relay-tools/react-router-relay |
Relay | https://github.com/facebook/relay |
Babel relay plugin | https://github.com/facebook/relay |
Fluxible | https://github.com/yahoo/fluxible |
Leaflet | https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet |
MQTT.js | https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js |
Polyfill-service | https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-service |
PBF | https://github.com/mapbox/pbf |
Webpack | https://github.com/webpack/webpack |
Asset | Url |
source | https://github.com/HSLdevcom/digitransit-ui |
DockerHub | https://hub.docker.com/r/hsldevcom/digitransit-ui/ |
Dockerfile | https://github.com/HSLdevcom/digitransit-ui/blob/v3/Dockerfile |
The Docker image is called hsldevcom/digitransit-ui:v3-prod and it is available at DockerHub.
To run Docker container, run:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it -e CONFIG=hsl -e API_URL=https://api.digitransit.fi -e MAP_URL=https://cdn.digitransit.fi -e NODE_OPTS=--max_old_space_size=1500 -e API_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_PARAMETER_NAME=digitransit-subscription-key -e API_SUBSCRIPTION_HEADER_NAME=digitransit-subscription-key -e API_SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN=<your subscription key> hsldevcom/digitransit-ui:v3-prod
To access Docker container:
For More information about how to use Docker see docker info.